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Malkocs Bej Mosque

Explore another prominent attraction in Siklós, the Malkocs Bej Mosque, a 16th-century Turkish temple located at the foot of the castle. 

Adjacent to Siklós Castle, the Malkocs Bej Mosque is a 16th-century Turkish mosque, which was reconstructed after 1686, when its Minaret tower was presumably damaged.

Throughout the 20th century, its condition deteriorated continuously, and the monument restoration began in 1990. In 1993, the Siklós Malkocs Bej Mosque received the Europa Nostra Award for outstanding restoration efforts, awarded annually for exceptional restoration work. The mosque was opened to visitors in 1994 and continues to function according to its original purpose, also serving as an ethnographic exhibition space.



We recommend it to anyone who loves history, is interested in traditions, is looking for a meaningful excursion program, and would even combine their visit with bathing in Siklós.


For information on tickets and guided tour fees, please visit:


For the opening hours and further information about the Malkocs Bej Mosque in Siklós, visit: It is open from spring to autumn. During the winter season, it is closed, but groups of 20 or more can be accommodated with prior reservation.

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